Mun elämä on NIIN tylsää tällä hetkellä.
Ei mitään sutinaa.
Eikä mitään sanottavaa:(
Oon ehkä jääny koukkuun Farewellin blogiin.
Mutta oon sille kade kun se saa ja minä en. *kiukkua*
Löysin sen blogista myös tällasen seksiaiheisen kyselyn.
Mun vastaukset on tässä:
1. Have you had three-way or group sex? No. But I'd like to. With 2 guys. Even better if they were bi-sexual;)
2. Have you had sex during menstration? Yes, sure. Is there someone who hasn't?!?
3. Have you had a sexual experience with someone of the same gender? Yes.
4. Have you had sex in your parent's home? Yes.
5. Have you had hot interracial sex? Yes. That was the best sex of my life.
6. Have you masterbated in front of another person? Yes.
7. Have you had sex in a public place? Yes.
8. Have you been filmed or photographed having sex? Yes.
9. Have you had anal sex? Yes.
10.Do you swallow? Yes, if I like the guy.
11.Have you masturabated today? Yes. At work;)
12.Have you had sex in a car? Yes. Yes, and on the car too;)
13.Have you had a one-night stand or sex with a stranger? Yes, once. Not planning to do it again. Allthough, I can chance my mind pretty soon if this celibacy continues a lot longer.
14.Total amount of sexual partners? Maybe 17?.. No, 18.